Search for words whose transcription contains certain phonemes or whose spelling contains certain graphemes.
The "phonematic search" field can be used to specify the phonemes being searched for, whereby the search query
is considered to be exact by default.
It can be modified by using wildcards, which can be inserted into the search
string via the buttons below the input field or directly via the keyboard:
• "any character(s)" (_ resp. *) matches one or more arbitrary characters,
thus the query ab* matches any word starting with ab
• "any of those characters" ([...]) matches any of the characters specified inside the []-brackets,
thus the query a[bc]d matches either abd or acd
• "optional characters" ((...)) indicates optional characters
and thus the query a(b)c matches both abc and ac
The "graphematic search" field can be used to specify the graphemes being searched for, whereby the graphemes
can be inserted into the search string via the drop-down-list that shows up when you start typing the transliteration
or designation of a Demotic sign(group). You may also use the "determinatives"-button for determinatives.
As in the case of the previous input field, the search query can be modified by using the wildcards already mentioned.
In addition, the "shape" button allows you to insert a shape into the query.
The "compound" button connect the unit preceding the cursor and the unit following it to form a compound. It is mainly
needed to indicate sign groups inside []-brackets.
Be aware that the inputs in both fields are combined and merged to form a single search query.